"Signals" The NAAPO Newsletter Volume 23, No. 2 December 2007 |
Written by: Phil Barnhart, NAAPO Coordinator,
4655 Indian Ct., Westerville, OH 43082
(Additions by: Jerry Ehman, Webmaster) Click Here for Printer-Friendly Version
NAAPO Establishes New Web Site (www.flagofearth.net)
A search on the internet produced the information that three web domains were registered in the name of Abigail Cadle, a daughter of the late James Cadle. Two of the domains were expiring or were already expired. The third was within two months of expiration.
We immediately sought and were granted the rights to www.flagofearth.com We then entered an auction for www.flagofearth.net. As there were no other bidders we also obtained this domain name. We then entered the forthcoming auction for flagofearth.org.
Meanwhile, Bob finally tracked down Abigail Cadle whom he informed of our desire to assume the role of Flag of Earth distributor and to obtain the .org domain name. Just one day before the scheduled auction she renewed her interest in the domain and set about transfer of the domain to NAAPO. Network Solutions requires a 90 day waiting period before such transfer can be effected so we are still waiting for it to be made.
From the start, Jerry Ehman began construction of a web site containing an introduction, portions of James Cadle’s Flag of Earth web site, locations where the Flag of Earth is or has been flown, information about availability and methods for ordering flags.
Contact with Abigail led to a family conference concluding with whole-hearted support for NAAPO to undertake this effort as well as a desire to transfer all assets of Flag of Earth Company International to NAAPO.
On November 29 Judy Cadle, wife of the late James Cadle, delivered a car-load of flags, decals and lapel pins to NAAPO at the Argus location [see Judy in the leftmost image below]. She also turned over all correspondence and business papers from the company. A 4’ x 6’ flag, previously purchased from James Cadle, was flying at the site [see rightmost image below] and the delivery was followed by a luncheon at which a number of local participants in the MegaConference were able to visit with Judy.
We encourage all to explore this site and respond to the webmaster with comments and orders.
Volunteers Enhance the ARGUS Effort
Recent purchases by three NAAPO volunteers are about to enhance the capability of on-going ARGUS projects. This is being accomplished by the purchase of equipment NAAPO needs but as yet cannot afford. Should the instruments work out the intent will be to have NAAPO acquire them.
Tom Hanson purchased a 10-power stereo microscope to facilitate the assembly of digital circuits. Ange Campanella is testing the scope to see if indeed it makes the work more tolerable.
Lee Edwards has obtained a 3 – 12 GHz Spectrum Analyzer (Tektronix) with the goal of testing circuitry built by the volunteers.
Derek Edwards has a similar goal in mind with the purchase of a Tektronix Digitizing Oscilloscope.
Viability of these instruments will be examined over the next few weeks.
Fifteen Foot Steerable Dish Available to Argus
In the field adjacent to the Argus Array an unused 15-foot steerable dish has sat for several years. Volunteer Mike Murphy has set about the task of leveling it to allow using it as an adjunct to the Argus Array. Permission to use the dish has been obtained from the previous users of the dish. It seems the concrete pad the mount rests on needs to be jacked up to allow remote operation of the pointing motors.
ARGUS Cabling Needs Replacement
Deterioration of the 100-foot cables connecting the ARGUS elements to the control room is allowing moisture to penetrate and induce excessive noise. Mike Murphy is exploring the acquisition of new, higher quality cables and connectors to replace the aging equipment now in use. The exact lengths and configuration depends upon decisions concerning the relocation of the array described below.
ARGUS Array to Expand and Move
Completion of the next ten elements and associated electronics in the next several months has led to the decision to move and rearrange the Argus Array. The array has operated to date in a rectangular, close spaced configuration. We now plan to move the array closer to the access port to the lab and re-configure the array into a pair of log spirals.
Lee Edwards has calculated the support platform will cost about $250. The new configuration will allow testing new side lobe characteristics and slightly enhanced sensitivity. We hiope to complete the move by late summer.
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Copyright © 2007 North American AstroPhysical Observatory Created by Jerry Ehman. Last modified: December 12, 2007 |