NAAPO (North American AstroPhysical Observatory) |
"Signals" Volume 15 Number 02 The NAAPO Newsletter (August/September 1999) |
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North American AstroPhysical Observatory Department of Physics/Astronomy Otterbein College Westerville, Ohio 43081 |
Volunteer Coordinator:
Phil Barnhart (614) 882-6711
Newsletter Editor:
After the trauma of editorial change and shifting deadlines last month, I realized that the Volume and Issue numbers had been left off the last newsletter. Get out your most recent newsletter (it is probably on the floor of the bird cage by now) and mark it "Volume 15, Number 2." If that is all that goes awry, we really have very little to worry about. The real shock came to me that we are, in fact, nearing the completion of 15 years of active existence of the formal organization (NAAPO) of volunteers that has operated the "Ohio State University Radio Observatory." There is some degree of satisfaction to be taken from our having managed to preserve a part of the great legacy of performance of an institution that significantly contributed to the pioneering years of radio astronomy.
Related to that, the printed version of this current issue was labelled "Volume 15 Number 3 (August/September 1999)", but that is incorrect. I have changed its designation on this website to: "Volume 15, Number 2 ( August/September 1999)".
Though BIG EAR has fallen to the wrecking ball, we have managed to salvage the original data files along with much of the paraphernalia, and to capture a measure of the spirit of the old times to be applied to the development of new technologies and
routines for the exploration of the universe by radio.
Within the next few months we will see the construction and placement of a historical marker recognizing BIG EAR and the contributions to radio astronomy of this instrument and the many people associated with its operation. This monument will be placed alongside U.S. Highway 23, not far from the entrance to Perkins Observatory. We will send out an announcement of the dedication ceremony as soon as we know when it will occur.
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Regularly scheduled meetings: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 10 a.m., at the OSU SatComm facility.
Directions to the Facility may be obtained by calling the Volunteer Coordinator at (614) 882-6711.
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The Ohio Bicentennial Commission and the Ohio Historical Society have accepted our proposal for a historical marker for BIG EAR to be placed alongside U.S. Highway 23 near the entrance to Perkins Observatory. This two-sided metal monument will describe the telescope, record the significance of its operation, and recognize those who ran it for the nearly forty years of its existence.
After a review of the narrative, and the metal-etching of the two photographs that are to appear on the marker, the whole thing will be cast in metal, and preparation for its erection, placement, and dedication will begin.
The preparation of our proposal has been going on for several months. Special thanks are offered to Tom Hanson for getting the ball rolling with the Historical Society and the Bicentennial Commission and to Jerry Ehman for a masterful job of annotating the narrative with references to the literature (historians being notably careful in the documentation of "historical" statements).
The dedication will be announced as soon as plans are finalized.
[For a detailed accounting of the work which went on behind the scenes to bring this project to fruition, please see "Historical Marker," below, under "EDUCATION, PUBLICATIONS, AND PUBLIC RELATIONS"]
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Welcome, New Volunteers!
(in alphabetical order)
Scott DeJane Scott Horn Cheryl Mason-Middleton Michael Myers Jay Rhoads Hans Schantz James Windbigler Jim Withrow | ||
We are still looking for a way to access data on the 15 CD-ROMs containing LOBES narrow-band and continuum data, in order to do further analysis of both types of data.
Russ Childers and Paul Oakes will be working together on this, beginning by attempting to transfer the necessary programs and data from a Macintosh platform to an IBM-compatible platform.
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May 1st, 1999:
Steve Ellingson has assigned Ken Ayotte the task of testing the bi-filar helix wound on WHIPS cone #4. The first task will be to measure the standing wave ratio (SWR) at the frequencies of 400, 800, 1200 and 1600 MHz. Testing at the two higher frequencies can be done indoors, but testing at the two lower frequencies must be done outdoors.
May 15th, 1999:
June 5th, 1999:
June 19th, 1999:
July 3rd, 1999:
Jerry noted that Bob had sent him two files containing Ken's results of measurements of the bi-filar logarithmic spiral conical helix; one file was a text file of the data values, and the other file was a bitmap containing two graphs of the data. The quality
of the graphs was poor, so Jerry decided to import the data into a spreadsheet in order to generate better graphs. After putting "hard returns" in after each record, the data was input to a spreadsheet and parsed to create one cell per data value. Each record
contained for each measurement the frequency, power reflection coefficient, power reflection coefficient in dB, and VSWR. Jerry noted that the VSWR values in the data could not be reproduced from the power reflection coefficient, so he generated the correct values. He then plotted the following three plots: (1) power reflection coefficient vs. frequency; (2) power reflection coefficient (in dB)
vs. frequency; and (3) VSWR vs. frequency.
Jerry showed these plots to the group. He noted that the only parameter common to both Ken's measurements and the MiniNec results was VSWR. Next he presented two plots of VSWR vs. frequency: (1) MiniNec results; and (2) Ken's revised data. Jerry realized that these two plots could not be superimposed because the MiniNec analysis used a different set of frquencies than Ken's set of data. Thus, Jerry did a new analysis with MiniNec using exactly the same set of frequencies as in Ken's data. Two additional plots were shown: (1) a plot of VSWR vs. frequency showing superimposed both the new MiniNec results and Ken's revised data; and (2) a plot of the ratio VSWR(Actual Data)/VSWR(MiniNec) vs. frequency.
These two plots were the definitive plots. They showed that: (1) the VSWR for MiniNec tended to rise with frequency while Ken's revised VSWRs tended to fall with frequency; (2) MiniNec VSWRs ranged from about 7 to 12 while Ken's revised VSWRs ranged from about 4 to 10; (3) the oscillation of VSWR with frequency was twice as fast for Ken's revised data than for the MiniNec results.
The fact that the revised actual VSWRs were not even close to being the same as the theoretical VSWRs shows that we have a real problem. Jerry noted again that he wished to have antenna pattern measurements of the test antenna at a few frequencies so that he could compare them to the MiniNec data.
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May 1st, 1999:
May 15th, 1999:
Danielle has not found any recordings of the desired type yet. Those present at the NAAPO meeting talked about the importance of work like that which she is doing and how often discoveries can be made from looking at such charts.
June 5th, 1999:
June 19th, 1999:
July 17th, 1999:
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May 1st, 1999:
Phil noted that storage trailer #2, which leaks, needs to be fixed, and that some material in that trailer needs to be sorted.
May 15th, 1999:
As Ang Campanella, Tom Hanson, and Jerry Ehman were leaving the meeting, they noticed that the door to the storage trailer was down, with its lock in place, but that the lock's shackle (u-shaped piece) was bent and therefore the trailer was unlocked. With some hammering and bending of the shackle, the lock was made usable again and the trailer re-locked. It appeared that the lock had been vandalized and the trailer had been entered, although it also appeared that no items had been damaged or taken. It was concluded that the trailer had in fact been locked properly at the end of the previous meeting, and that vandalism was the reason for its being open.
June 19th, 1999:
There was additional discussion about how to prevent further break-ins to the trailer in front of the SatComm building. Sue Oakes stated that she thought that the remnants of an old sign ("Tools") painted on the rear of the trailer may have attracted thieves' attention (although this has been painted over, it is still faintly visible). Cindy Brooman agreed, stating that the police reports in her local paper frequently mention tool thefts. It was decided that we should cover the sign in an attempt to deter further vandalism.
Sue Oakes brought in 32 MB in RAM chips — a gift to NAAPO from her husband Paul. She turned these over to Tom Hanson. We can always
use more memory in our computers....
July 3rd, 1999:
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Cindy Brooman has placed an advertisement on the BIG EAR website for a used laser or inkjet printer. The equipment currently in the meeting room does not include a printer capable of supporting the graphics-rich multimedia environment prevalent today. It is hoped that someone will know of new or gently used equipment that could be donated, and will respond to this message and our need. | ||
Bob Dixon told us that Steve Ellingson has a project for the volunteer group. He needs someone to take on the task of building a database of all of the known artificial satellites. The database would contain orbital information to make it possible to do a real-time lookup of what is in the telescope's beam at any given time.
Hans Schantz said that he believes that there are utilities on the Web to do this. Bob Dixon replied that the system will need to function in stand-alone mode, and therefore it will probably be necessary to build our own database.
Additional information on satellite databases was later presented on the Radio Observatory "listserv" (online discussion group). Bob reported on the Satellite RFI Database that the SETI Institute is supporting at Georgia Tech, and Bret Boggs noted the Visual Satellite Observer's Home Page with a variety of links to related sites.
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May 1st, 1999:
Phil stated that any materials which do not have O.S.U. tags on them can be sold; Bob Dixon noted that O.S.U. has officially written off all items formerly at the BIG EAR site. (What is not sold will eventually be moved to the SatComm site.) Phil gave the "windfall cash" which was generated by the barn sale to Bob for use at the upcoming Dayton Hamvention in order to purchase items needed by the Radio Observatory, and the ARGUS project in particular.
June 5th, 1999:
July 17th, 1999:
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May 1st, 1999:
May 15th, 1999:
June 5th, 1999:
June 19th, 1999:
July 3rd, 1999:
One of our new volunteers, Bret Boggs, has had experience in using software to compensate for differences in the sensitivity of hardware. He may be able to add his expertise to the solving of the Audio ARGUS calibration problem.
July 17th, 1999:
Ang noted that because of the 10 dB step attenuator on each microphone and inherent differences in gains among the internal amplifiers in the three microphones, it would probably be possible to get no better than 3 dB differences between any two of the microphone outputs.
Steve Brown noted that he learned from his dissertation analysis that differences in gain among receiving elements after amplification are not nearly as important as differences in timing (arrival of signals), if the main goal is to determine the direction of a signal. This would apply to both RF ARGUS and Audio ARGUS.
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(Organized by topic and by date within topics)
May 1st, 1999:
May 15th, 1999:
Tom Hanson handed Phil an official notice from the Ohio Historical Society that 12 copies of our documentation were needed by the OHS by the end of June. Phil and Jerry agreed that Jerry would generate a new color-coded printout of the marker text with references, making multiple copies of it, and also making various numbers of copies of the references (he will mail these to Phil at his home because too much time will elapse before our next meeting).
June 5th, 1999:
Phil has looked over the area along U.S. Highway 23 and selected a site near the entrance to Perkins Observatory which he feels would be a good place to locate the marker: it is just after the end of the guard rail and has a paved pull-off area.
June 19th, 1999:
July 3, 1999:
Phil revised the cover letter, including three paragraphs stating our financial need, before resubmitting the marker application materials. He indicated that our having to pay for the marker would have a serious impact on our ability to purchase ARGUS project components. Phil also stated that the Ohio Historical Society committee has a policy of not mentioning any living person in historical marker texts. Therefore, technically, we were not supposed to mention John Kraus! This was completely unacceptable, since without him the BIG EAR radio telescope would never have been built. Phil thought it possible that the committee would make an appropriate exception in this case. The OHS committee is to meet again in the middle of July.
Cindy Brooman brought in the website reports from April and May for . There were 18,936 document requests in April, and 29,954 in May! The number seems to be growing, possibly from people adding us to their list of preferred sites. Phil is being inundated by volunteer applications through e-mail from the website, and has requested assistance in corresponding with the various individuals who have written. Tom Hanson volunteered his assistance in corresponding with those who indicate proficiency with C programming. Cindy Brooman wondered why so many people from remote locations are completing the volunteer form, despite the up-front mention of the fact that volunteers should be local (due to the hands-on nature of the current projects.) She will think about further changes to the script to cut down on the number of applications from folks far afield.
June 19th, 1999:
Jerry Ehman stated that he has been getting correspondence from the website concerning the "Wow!" signal. One man said that he had previously worked for the military in radar. He relayed his doubt that the "Wow!" signal could have been caused by military radar, since it was never at frequencies as low as 1420 MHz. Jerry also received e-mail from Tobias Wobble, suggesting that Jerry rewrite the 20th Anniversary "'Wow!' Report" for a popular publication.
July 3rd, 1999:
July 17th, 1999:
Phil stated that he thought it would be a good idea to have a working session for new volunteers at some point. There was mention of reports being written for the SETI Institute by Steve Ellingson describing our progress in the last year. Phil pointed out that one of the services which NAAPO could provide would be assistance with report writing, should that be needed. Sue Oakes volunteered her assistance in editing for grammar, mechanics, and the like.
July 3rd, 1999:
July 17th, 1999:
Cheryl Mason-Middleton asked if it is possible and appropriate to ask OEMs and other companies for donations of equipment, either new or used. It was noted that the Radio Observatory has in the past received such donations, some usable and some not. Ang Campanella asked those who were present if they thought it would be a good idea to have working groups come in early, perhaps an hour before the regular meetings, in order to get some work done (which could then be reported on at the meeting), or whether it was better to come back to work after the meeting (and lunch). Most felt that coming back after lunch was preferable. | ||
Jerry Ehman handed out copies of an article from the June issue of Astronomy magazine. The article (pp. 56-61), entitled "Meet the Radio Man," describes John Kraus and the building of BIG EAR. (It is subtitled "Maybe you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but John Kraus could make Big Ear out of an empty purse.") Phil noted that some photographs that he took, and that Bob sent to the magazine, were mistakenly credited to John Kraus. Another picture in the article — the one of Jerry simulating the writing of the "Wow!" notation on the computer printout — was taken by Dan Fleisch.
Bob reported that Brian Baertlein, another staff member at ESLab, has become interested in Square Kilometer Array project after attending a conference with Steve Ellingson. According to Bob, there had been no "official" entity in the U.S. involved in the Square Kilometer Array project, unlike in the other countries which are participating. The SETI Institute is forming a consortium of universities (at $3,000 each) in the U.S. to participate in the research and development. Now, thanks to Brian Baertlein's interest, the ElectroScience Lab has paid the $3,000 necessary for OSU's membership in the consortium. Good going, Brian! And thank you, Steve, for involving Brian in the project!
Jerry Ehman brought a handout for everyone — a copy of the article titled "Giant SETI Radio Telescope Planned" — from Sky & Telescope. The article discusses the planned One Hectare Telescope which is to be constructed at Berkeley's Hat Creek Radio Observatory in Northern California. The end of the article mentions work in progress at OSU's ElectroScience Laboratory by Bob Dixon and Steve Ellingson (although his last name was misspelled Ellington!).
June 19th, 1999:
Jerry Ehman handed out copies of an article from the June issue of Astronomy magazine. The article (pp. 30-32), entitled "SETI Shifts from Radio to Lasers," talks about three new SETI programs that will look for laser pulses with optical telescopes. Jerry noted that Stuart Kingsley's COSETI project is not mentioned. It was also noted that the title inaccurately states that there is a shift in SETI studies from the radio band to the optical band. In fact, both are occurring.
June 5th, 1999:
July 3rd, 1999:
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REPORT FROM THE LAB.... By Cindy Brooman
Based on "A DSP Engine for a 64-Element Array," by Steven W. Ellingson, Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory
Supported by a grant from the SETI Institute, the ElectroScience Laboratory at The Ohio State University has been conducting research on a new, state-of-the-art digital processor which will analyze data from an array of antennas. The antenna array will be part of the proposed ARGUS system, the next-generation radio telescope which will be able to view the entire visible sky at once through the use of digital beam-forming.
In digital beam-forming, the signal output from each of the antennas in the array is converted from analog format (i.e., continuously varying electrical voltage) to digital format (computer ones and zeroes), and an extremely accurate digital time stamp is added. (The time stamp allows calculation of the direction of arrival, since radio waves from a particular signal arrive at some of the antennas just fractions of a second before they arrive at others.) The digital samples may then be added together in any number of combinations to form digital beams — the digital equivalent of where the telescope is "pointing."
With today's supercomputer-on-a-chip technology, it is possible to perform millions of these digital beam combinations very quickly, thus generating a radio picture of the entire visible sky without having to physically move, or point, the antennas. Because
traditional radio telescopes must be pointed in only one direction at a time, it is possible for a transient (short-lived) radio signal in another part of the sky to be overlooked. The ARGUS telescope, using software-defined signal processing, will greatly improve the odds of transient signal detection, and will cost less to build than traditional steel structures due to the falling cost of computer hardware. (Labor costs to build massive steel structures are also on the rise.)
Applications for the ARGUS system can be found in radio astronomy, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), and parasitic bi-static radar (i.e., imaging objects passing overhead via a bounced radar signal). In SETI, for example, it is desirable to detect very weak, intermittent narrow-band (narrow frequency range) signals with no advance knowledge of either the frequency or the direction of arrival.
The digital signal processing experiment set up at The Ohio State University simulated the output from an 8 by 8 rectangular array of antennas (64 antennas in total). The simulated data was fed into an electronic circuit board containing two digital signal processing chips, called "SHARCs," manufactured by Analog Devices, Inc. The onboard digital signal processing (DSP) chips have what is called a "multi-processor memory space," a memory area which is accessible by both of the DSP chips on the board. The DSP chips also have a great deal of internal memory, which allows complete sets of data to be brought into the chip at one time for processing without the chip having to spend a lot of time waiting for parts of the data to arrive.
The researchers at OSU's ElectroScience Lab quickly realized that it took a lot of time for a chip to acquire a simulated data set, in fact so much time that there would be little time left over to process the data before the next data set arrived. Therefore, they came up with the idea of "rotating acquisition." In this method, one chip acquires the data, and another chip processes the data, and vice versa. One chip acquires the data and places it in the common memory area. The other chip then retrieves the data from the common memory area, processes it, and sends it out for storage. The chips take turns acquiring and processing the data.
The Ohio State researchers also figured out very rapidly that the DSP chips had a finite amount of processing ability within a given time due to the length of time required for performing the complex mathematical computations necessary for analyzing the data. They discovered that if the antennas were sending data at the rate of, for example, ten million samples per second, then the frequency range in the analysis would have to be cut way back to perhaps only 20 kHz (kiloHertz) to allow time for the processing. This means that a transient radio signal at a frequency outside of the frequency range being analyzed would be overlooked. Conversely, if the antennas sent only thousands of samples per second, then a much larger frequency range, perhaps 10 MHz (megaHertz) could be used. However, this would mean that there was a wait time, or rest phase, for each antenna between samples. This would allow a short-lived signal to be overlooked during the wait time. Clearly, there was a tradeoff between how often the antenas were taking samples, which the researchers called "duty cycle," and frequency range. The only way to allow millions of samples per second over as wide a frequency range as possible would be to add many more DSP boards at increased cost. Assuming that a large amount of money for such a system might be obtained, this processing ability is theoretically feasible.
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Copyright © 2004 North American AstroPhysical Observatory Designed by Jerry Ehman Last modified: May 22, 2004 |