sidereal time tables, when I first wrote it. It will give the correct time ONLY IF THE SYSTEM TIME IS CORRECT. When booting the system you MUST VERIFY THAT THE TIME IS CORRECT since the system sets its time against the GTSC which does drift. The thing I do every so often is to set the system time manually to the Heath time, and then run dl0:(10,4)synchro, which then sets the GTSC.
19 Jul 88 15:59:37-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
I am glad to hear that the sidclk program is correct. But if there is no clearly documented procedure for everyone to follow, the sidereal clock is always in danger of being incorrect as it is now. The Heath clock needs to be incorporated into the system, and a
method of inter comparing the clocks automatically and periodically needs to be implemented.
22 Jul 88 16:33:00-EDT
Subject: RO report
l. A new ribbon has been installed in the console printer.
2. The digital continuum has been rewired so that the signal from the phase detector goes directly into the a/d. There is now no way to easily adjust offset and gain of this signal. There is an offset and gain on the chart recorder, but it is at extreme position control positions at this time, and this is not quite enough, so it is likely that the chart will run off scale.
3. A differentiator with op amp isolation has been installed in the analog continuum line to the chart recorder. There is rain and thunder in the area at this time, so it is not possible to tell how well it is working.
4. Ron H. is working on mounting the discone and preamp for the RFI survey, (assuming it doesn't rain too much, he says). By the way, the discone looks real flimsy and is not waterproof. I suspect It will not last very long, particularly since the reconnection of the disc to the center conductor doesn't look too good. Isn't the disc made of stainless, in which case special care would be required in brazing?
5. The horn cart has been moved to 20ft east of center, +/- 50 miles.
6. Sidereal time has been set by using the formulas given in the Astronomical Almanac. The Almanac (1988 ed.) has been left up here on the book shelf with the proper pages marked, if anyone else wants to check the clock. I suggest calculating the time for at least 10 min. from 'present', to allow enough time to figure out the formula.
28 Jul 88 11:14:47-EDT
From: Steve Ellingson
Subject: 11/24
The 'He-man computer moving Co.' (Huck, Ellingson, Mehr, Koch, and Bolinger) has transferred the 11/24 to Dreese. We snagged not 2 but 5 Rk07 drives. Steve Hewitt promises us more goodies soon. Thanks to Steve Hewitt and all who helped out!
1 Aug 88 22:30:29-EDT
From: Tom Van Horne
Subject: radio camera misconceptions
Perhaps I have over-inflated ideas of what an astronomical radio camera would be capable of, if so please correct me — or perhaps I merely was unclear and over-broad in what I was saying.
It is my understanding that an Arecibo sized radio camera telescope would be able (with larger integration periods due to smaller total collecting area) to 'form beams' that could duplicate (or better) the beam of the Arecibo telescope. That for any given observation period, such a beam could be formed — after the observation period was over — to examine any given area of the sky to derive the same information as if the Arecibo facility had observed it (although for a shorter period of time). That any number of such
beams and observations could be made from the same data and that these 'beams' could point at any location that was above the horizon at the time of observation. That the data derived from the telescope — as it is in digital form — could be duplicated and sent to a large number of other facilities where researchers could use other computers to 'form beams' and make other observations without the need of other 'telescopes'. That this data could be archived so that should a previously-thought-uninteresting area of the sky display interesting behavior (such as a supernova or 'pulsed Quasar'), observations of that area, as it appeared before the interesting behavior, could be carried out just as though you had pointed the Arecibo telescope that area at the time.
This was the idea I was referring to in my statement that the device would be able to record 'all the information available from the sky' which of course is overstatement.
2 Aug 88 08:18:20-EDT
Subject: radio camera misconceptions
You can NEVER make 'new observations' on old data. All that you can do is reanalyze the data that is already there. It is impossible to get any 'new' information from recorded data.
This is exactly what is done with old photographs of the sky. Granted, a radio camera will be far more sophisticated in terms of collecting and storing data, but the principle is the same as the old glass plates.
Bob was talking in 'gee, wouldn't it be nice' tone. It will be a LONG time before we are able to come close to such a system as he is thinking.
2 Aug 88 11:49:10-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Radio Camera futures
The description of possibilities by Tom is correct. While it is true that no new information, in the abstract sense, is created by "reobserving" with radio camera data, that process can produce new information not earlier known to the observer. The radio camera
is a device that takes advantage of, and relies upon, future technological developments in computing. Thus we need to think big and be aware of the future possibilities.
2 Aug 88 12:54:08-EDT
From: Tom Van Horne
Subject: Radio camera potential
If we were given unlimited funding and no technological advancement over what could be built with current technology, could we produce a system capable of operations such as I described in my 'Arecibo' speculation?
What are we going to propose as a follow up to Jim's demonstration model? Are we going to try to acquire funding for a major OSU-based project to produce a working major 'radio camera' type radio telescope? Or is this sort of application not possible at the present time.
5 Aug 88 09:16:59-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Gamma Ray Bursts
I received a call from Los Alamos Lab. They are studying Gamma Ray bursts, and think they may be observable in the radio spectrum; nobody knows for sure. They are sending me a list of known events for us to compare with our archives. This might explain some of
our events! They are very interested in the Radio Camera also, and want to collaborate with us and support our efforts to build a "real" one. They think it may be the only way to detect these events.
8 Aug 88 22:02:49-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Dateline Baltimore
Jim and I arrived fine, and the paper went OK. We got a few people interested. Prices are quite high here, and it is HOT. Traffic bad on freeways, but downtown area is quite nice. Clean and attractive. Nice waterfront area. Wait Mitchell is here and several other OSU astronomers.
10 Aug 88 07:42:15-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Dateline Baltimore #2
Have had many helpful conversations with other SETI people here. Visited a few tourist places yesterday. Jim flies back today. Our RFI data will be very valuable; have already discussed it with some of the people here. In addition to the new data, we badly need a graph made some time ago. It shows data from the SETI program, intensity of all signals vs frequency of occurrence. Marc Abel made the original. It may be on my desk in Dreese or at home in the office there (ask my wife and go there to look). Others have made such graphs and remarkably they all look very similar, even from very different systems. Also, we must have absolute signal strength known, and be able to explain it. Others will be doing that. It is also good to show percentage of clear bands, etc. as Steve suggested, on separate graphs.
14 Aug 88 10:24:37-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Dateline Washington #N
Steve Ellingson has arrived. He was accosted by the police last night for stealing his own stereo out of his van.
Ron and Steve are seeing the sights in DC this morning, while I am slaving away in the motel room getting our paper ready. Steve has done a super job of getting illustrations made, etc. Also, the photos of the equipment and antenna are great (I don't know who made them).
Good News - I was approached by one of the well-known scientists here who has been in the RFI field for some years. He says it is great that we are doing this survey, because essentially nobody does this. He need our data over the long term as ammunition to get FCC help, etc at the federal level. He might even want us to make measurements at other places (?). We must plan to run the RFI survey forever, as a new type of observation which is valuable in its own right.
Yesterday we heard all about light pollution. It is very bad, because most people who install lights do not know what they are doing. In most cases, money can be SAVED with better lighting which causes less sky illumination. Ron especially liked the paper about the effect of night lights on moths. Ron and I both learned a lot about lighting, and it is very interesting.
Today we hear about space debris. There is a plan for a junk-collecting satellite that will cruise around and collect the debris and throw it down to burn up in the atmosphere. It is getting that serious. The space shuttle had to have its window replaced earlier
because a tiny speck of space debris nearly punctured it on an earlier flight.
Last night we went to a party at the Naval Observatory. Saw the primary clocks for the USA, and looked at Saturn through one of the telescopes.
Tomorrow are the RFI papers including ours.
The heat and humidity are so bad here that people are not walking around outside much at all. Everyone stays inside. This must be depressing business for the stores, etc. It gets DOWN to about 85 early in the morning, and then approaches 100 every day.
15 Aug 88 20:54:03-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Washington Final
Our presentation was a great success. Many good questions and comments. People are quite impressed with our work. Our data was more detailed than anyone else had. It is incredible what a volunteer group can do! Arecibo and Holland want details on our equipment, especially how to use and program the Icom.
We were late to the meeting today because they reversed the direction of a freeway during rush hour. The heat reached its peek this eve, but then it rained at last. We have never seen such a lightening display as has been going on here now.
Steve and I got invited to go to Arecibo for a mutual exchange of info. But there are strings that make it impractical. Ron says he had to beat the job offers off with a club. Steve and I have great ideas on RFI-proofing the Big Ear. It could be the best antenna in the world for RFI rejection.
18 Aug 88 08:19:46-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Research Grant
We have received $2500 from the VP for Research, to be used for urgent needs as outlined in the proposal by Steve Janis.
18 Aug 88 08:25:47-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: RFI proofing
NASA feels all telescopes will be RFI limited for their SETI program. This may be a more important concern than anything else, based on various experiments they have conducted so far. The OSU telescope is inherently low RFI-susceptible, and can be made much more so. The biggest step is side shields. I suggest using telephone poles along both sides, and hanging crude mesh from them. The power company is now replacing all the poles along my street. I talked with them and we may be able to get the old ones for free. They are perfectly good. We would need a way to transport them to the RO, and later a way to install them. Any ideas on how to transport them? They are about 30 feet long. We need around 20 or more. They could be stored at the RO until we have a way to install them. Maybe the power company could be talked into transporting and installing them, as a charitable contribution, if the right approach were made to the right people. They have the stuff to do it easily and quickly.
18 Aug 88 09:46:01-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: RFI Proofing
The side fences are only part of what is needed. Shields on the horns (sides and top) plus rolled edges on all reflectors and fences are needed. No permission from the golf people is needed, as there is nothing in the lease that says anything about telescope changes. However, perhaps we could make a deal with them to pay for the fences (to keep out the golf balls), in exchange for letting them come closer to the telescope.
19 Aug 88 10:29:02-EDT
From: Tom Van Horne
Subject: radio camera applications
UFOs interfere with electrical devices. Anybody who's seen 'Close Encounters' knows that. Furthermore UFOs glow. That's how people see them at night. It is surely a reasonable extrapolation to suggest that UFOs may well have a detectable radio signature. The radio camera, as an all-sky passive monitoring device that records the radio status of the sky and detects changes such as local interference sources would be one of the most effective devices ever created (only device ever created?) for the scientific study of UFOs. 'Why are you guys spending millions searching the stars for aliens when the ET's are visiting us', you ask? Why, the radio camera does BOTH!
The radio camera would be an incredible device for passive intelligence gathering. Sites distributed around the Soviet Union would be able to form beams to tightly focus on specific emission sites. A system in orbit would be able to resolve individual vehicles,
buildings, or telephone lines. Jim, these nice men from the NSA and those nice men in uniform over there and that group of nice men with the funny foreign accents in the back have all been waiting to see you.
I imagine the radio camera's processing is too slow, but what a ground station design. To heck with all that clumsy support framework and giant dishes. Just lay out these antennas in your parking lot and tune in on any satellite above the horizon!
26 Aug 88 14:45:01-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: Telephone Poles
So far things are looking good for getting the telephone poles to build side shields on the telescope. The Helwigs have a trailer that can haul them and know how to drill the holes for them. We can use the crane to put them into the holes. I am still negotiating with
the power company. One question — how do we get them onto the trailer? They weigh about 600 pounds each. They are about 30 feet long. We could have 15 people all lifting 40 pounds each. Is that practical?
30 Aug 88 08:32:41-EDT
From: Bob Dixon
Subject: The Argus Timed Array
My new tasks as Acting Director at the computer center seem to leave me in a state of collapse when I go home at night, but my mind continues to whirl along even after the collapse. While lying in such a stupor last night, I derived the following results and had
these ideas, about what we have been calling the Radio Camera. Now we need Jim's keen mathematical abilities to show convincingly that this is correct.
The name Radio Camera is correct, but not sufficiently descriptive. We intend this for all-sky coverage, and a camera rarely has hemispheric coverage. Tom Van Horne says that Argus a mythical being that looks everywhere. This sounds more attention-getting. I
would like to read a reference that describes the mythical Argus.
The term phased array is typically used for any array, but is incorrect for our case. To achieve wide band width, you must use time delay, not phase delay. Hence we will call it a timed array. Even in the case of the mark I where we split the band width into small segments first.
The sensitivity of an array of N elements and a total collecting area A is the same as a single dish having the same area and the same type of receiver. But this is only true for the instantaneous sensitivity in a given direction. If one wishes to search the whole sky, or to calculate the average sensitivity over the whole sky, then the array is more sensitive than the dish by the factor sqrt M, where M is the number of beams the dish needs to fill the sky. For a filled array, N is approximately the same as M, and M is proportional to A. Therefore to obtain the same all-sky sensitivity, an Argus array need only have the square root of the area of the equivalent dish. There has been the claim that interferometers have greater RFI immunity than dishes. I have an article on that. I believe the idea is that as the earth turns, the synthesized main beam is kept fixed on the sky. This causes RFI sources to drift through various side lobes (and adjacent side lobes have opposite phase), and hence it tends to cancel. If we operate the Argus array with beams fixed to
the sky, rather than the earth, we will have exactly this advantage over a single dish. We win in all ways and in all cases over a single dish.
I hope Jim's calculations verify this.
30 Aug 88 13:13:48-EDT
From: Tom Van Horne
Subject: ARGUS
It turns out that there is an excellent reference to ARGUS easily available. The conclusion of Arthur C. Clarke's IMPERIAL EARTH deals with the building of an advanced deep space system for exploring ultra long wave radiation for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence
This project is secretly planned by the 'ARGUS' committee. It is planned as a follow up to project Cyclops which has been unsuccessful after 200 years. Named ARGUS, it would look in all directions simultaneously. From the novel's Acknowledgments and Notes section — 'Indignant antenna designers who feel that Argus would not work as specified are invited to contemplate ABM radars and Think Big.' This written in 1975 followed acknowledgments and thanks to Robert Forward, Grote Reber, and Barnard Oliver.
When John and I came across the Argus reference in Greek mythology (I had been looking for a reference to a hundred-eyed titan, I knew they were a feature of Greek myth) neither of us remembered Clarke's reference in Imperial Earth. I have long accepted the fact that throughout my life, as I think of original ideas, I will constantly find reference to these very ideas as I re-read long neglected writings by ACC, who has shaped my thinking and philosophy more than any other author.
From the dictionary, Argus, a giant with a hundred eyes, ordered by Hera to watch Io: after he was killed by Hermes his eyes were put into the tail of the peacock. 2. any alert watchman. There is also an entry for Argus-eyed - vigilant.
The only area where I see Argus as having less capability than a dish is in the study of individual burst signals where the larger integration period will make it less sensitive. Unfortunately that's mostly what we're seeing at this point.
30 Aug 88 18:13:42-EDT
From: Richard Helwig
One of the ways which the telephone poles could be moved is with several pairs of log carriers. I would think that we would need 3 or 4 pair. The problem is that I don't know where we might get these. Does anyone out there have a pair or an idea as to where we might get some. Log carriers are the same thing as railroad tie carriers. Does anyone have an in with a local railroad? Give it some thought.